'********************************************************************************* ' mini-map.bas ' The robot will take 11 distance readings from the SRF04 covering 180 ' degrees but will not store the results in an array. The robot will then move to ' the area with the greatest amount of free space. ' PicBasic Pro Compiler - MicroEngineering Labs '********************************************************************************* trisa = %00000000 ' set porta to outputs trisb = %00001000 ' set portb pin 3 to input m_servo var byte ' define variables and constants l_servo var byte r_servo var byte timer var byte right_led var PORTB.0 left_led var PORTB.1 trigger var PORTB.2 echo var PORTB.3 piezo var PORTB.4 right_servo var PORTB.5 left_servo var PORTB.6 mid_servo var PORTB.7 dist_raw var word dist_inch var word conv_inch con 15 ' conversion factor for inches turn var byte i var byte best_pos_index var byte best_pos_value var word most_space var byte low trigger ' set trigger pin to logic 0 low left_led ' turn off left LED low right_led ' turn off right LED main: for turn = 1 to 5 ' rotate robot 90 degrees to the left gosub turn_left next turn best_pos_index = 0 ' set initial best_pos_index to 0 best_pos_value = 0 ' set initial best_pos_value to 0 for i = 0 to 10 gosub sr_sonar ' get sonar distance reading if dist_inch >= best_pos_value then ' compare new measurement to the last best_pos_value = dist_inch ' update best position if comparison is true best_pos_index = i endif gosub turn_right ' rotate the robot right by 15 degrees next i ' do it again most_space = 11 - best_pos_index ' number of left rotations needed to get the ' robot back to position with the most space for turn = 1 to most_space ' postion robot in the direction with the gosub turn_left ' most free space. next turn for turn = 1 to 15 ' walk forward for 15 steps gosub sr_sonar ' take sonar reading if dist_inch < 6 then ' if an object is detected then gosub walk_reverse ' back the robot up a little goto main ' scan for area with the most space again endif Gosub walk_forward next turn goto main end walk_forward: ' walk froward subroutine m_servo = 170 gosub servo l_servo = 160 r_servo = 160 gosub servo m_servo = 100 gosub servo l_servo = 120 r_servo = 120 gosub servo return walk_reverse: ' walk reverse subroutine for turn = 0 to 3 sound portb.4,[90,1,80,2,125,1,90,2,100,2] m_servo = 170 gosub servo l_servo = 120 r_servo = 120 gosub servo m_servo = 100 gosub servo l_servo = 160 r_servo = 160 gosub servo next turn return turn_left: ' rotate the robot left 18 degrees sound portb.4,[140,1,80,2,125,1,95,2] m_servo = 170 gosub servo l_servo = 120 r_servo = 160 gosub servo m_servo = 100 gosub servo l_servo = 160 r_servo = 120 gosub servo return turn_right: ' rotate the robot right 18 degrees sound portb.4,[140,1,120,2,110,1,100,2] m_servo = 170 gosub servo l_servo = 160 r_servo = 120 gosub servo m_servo = 100 gosub servo l_servo = 120 r_servo = 160 gosub servo return sr_sonar: pulsout trigger,1 ' send a 10us trigger pulse to the SRF04 pulsin echo,1,dist_raw ' start timing the pulse width on echo pin dist_inch = (dist_raw/conv_inch) ' Convert raw data into inches pause 1 ' wait for 10us before returning to main return servo: ' subroutine to set servos for timer = 1 to 10 pulsout mid_servo,m_servo pulsout left_servo,l_servo pulsout right_servo,r_servo pause 13 next timer return